Audiences are mainly preteens and teens and more and more adults are staying home creating thus a vicious circle, after all, who wants to spend a small fortune to watch a movie that has more special effects than plot?
When you think about it, the same happens to restaurants. When you travel, more and more restaurants are chains or franchises. People like to go to places that are familiar with and feel comfortable ordering and eating.
Personally, I prefer independent films and independent restaurants with substance. I like the discovery of nice, unique places where the owners great you and the food is a surprise. Perhaps I am more open than most Americans to all kinds of food, perhaps I like the uniqueness of a family (or boutique) restaurant.
If you own a franchise, I guess you are in luck since people seems to love chains; however, if you own a small independent restaurant, don't despair, some people still love their neighborhood independent restaurants.
I would suggest that you maximize the difference with the large chains. Here are some things you can do to that effect:
- Create a unique ambiance that reflects your food and style, different from the chain restaurants.
- Offer unique dishes, not the typical fare that franchises offer.
- Greet the customers, learn the names of the regulars and talk to them. People loved to be recognized and acknowledged.
- Change menus or at least offer different specials often. It is very difficult for franchises and big chains to modify their menus since standardization is part of their game.
- Suggest or even cook dishes out of the menu for special customers. Big chains can't do this.
- Treat each customer differently. If you make a mistake, compensate the customers. Big chains have policies and procedures and often they can't complement a failed service, just offer some freebies.
- Don't spend money in advertising and PR. Leave this for the big chains. Instead, use referrals as your preferred way to bring new customers. I would suggest that you download my free Restaurant Referral System in a Box and setup a formalized referral system for your restaurant.
And here you have it. The good news is that you have a lot of control over each aspect of your restaurant so you need to maximize this strength.
Good luck and happy meals.
Jose L Riesc