Monday, December 7, 2009

The Gift of Restaurant Feedback

customer-feedback.jpgGetting feedback about your restaurant is, perhaps, one of the best ways to improve your business. After all, the people bringing you the money are telling you what they like and what they don't about your restaurant.

Giving feedback requires time and energy so most of your dinners won't bother telling you about your food, your service and/or your ambience. Only when clients have very strong opinions (positive or negative) they will take the time to give you their feedback so you better pay attention to what they have to say.

It is true that most of the feedback that you'll receive will be negative. People are mostly moved by emotions and nothing motivates a person to act more than expressing their feelings about why their dinning experience was ruined by your food, service, ambience, or some combination of them...

I've just published a new article in my website that talks about this issue. You can read the full article at my website: The Gift Of Restaurant Feedback

Happy meals,
Jose L Riesco

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