You can read his blog here:
Twitter, with more than 6 million unique visitors (UV) a month is the fastest growing Social Network Site. In the attached table you can see how it grew from number 22 to number 3 in a year (and this data is 3 moths old!):
Although Twitter can't compete (yet) with Face-book or MySpace in the sheer number of users, it has an advantage that the other two social media sites don't have: immediacy
When you send a Tweet (a Tweet is a short Twitter message, up to 140 characters), your followers immediately receive it. This gives you a great opportunity to broadcast pertinent information to them.
For example, are you having a slow lunch day?
You can tweet your followers a message announcing that if they go to your restaurant within the next hour, and tell your servers that they saw this offer in Twitter, you will give them a free dessert, (or a 10% discount, or whatever attractive offer you want to make to attract people).
In this way, not only you can capture new customers in slow days/hours but you can also track Twitter's results. You will know how many of your new customers are coming because of Twitter, (they will tell you!).
And the best of all, it's that you will do all of this in a very inexpensive (Twitter is free to use so you'll only absorb the cost of the discount) and interactive way. It surely beats mailing coupons (with the high cost of printing and mailing) and gives you the freedom to totally adapt it to your hourly needs.
But Twitter is not just a US phenomena. Its popularity Worldwide is spreading very fast. In this chart you can see the breakdown of the top 10 countries. So if you restaurant is in any of these countries
you better start Twittering to them.
Some other useful information is to know who is using Twitter. This site: shows very interesting Twitter statistics broke down by sex, age, ethnicity, kids/no kids households, and average income and education. Very interesting information if you use Twitter (or are planning to use it) to target your audience.
So my question to you is: Are you using Twitter to reach your clients (or followers) to promote your restaurant?
If not, you are missing a great a free tool. It totally makes sense that you use this tool to reach to your customers; after all, they are already using Twitter!
Since I know that technology can be sometimes intimidating, and there are so many ways to use Twitter (including many to waste an incredible amount of time with this tool), I am creating a report called: "How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Restaurant". In this report I explain step by step how to setup a Twitter account, how to use free tools to create a targeted list of followers, how to communicate with them and how to maximize the power of Twitter to promote your restaurant. I included lots of screen captures to help you with the whole process. I think you'll love it, and the best of all, it will be very inexpensive.
I will announce here when it's ready.
Have a great day,
Jose L Riesco
© Riesco Consulting Inc.
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